Premier Attractions Barbados
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Itinerary & Bookings

We’re happy to help you turn your itinerary into the vacation experience of a lifetime!

Simply complete the booking request form and we’ll package your tours, all at the best rates available.

Attractions and Tours Attractions & Tours

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You must select at least one tour/activity to send a booking request.
Click the 'Choose A Tour' option to see available tours.
If you need help, please contact us.

Travel Info Travel Info

Knowing your travel dates allows us to identify tours available during your stay.
Knowing where you're staying helps us arrange pick-up and drop-off.

Special rates may apply.

Promo Code Promo Code

If you have a promo code, enter it here for the best rates and opportunity to win prizes.

Contact Information Contact

Provide us with your contact information so we can respond to your request.

  Phone   Mobile/cell

Request Request

If you have any special requests (e.g. special allergies, meal requirements, etc.) or any questions, let us know.


Terms and Conditions Terms and Conditions

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